Uniting The Observer, Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics

Uniting The Observer, Thermodynamics and Quantum Mechanics

. 2 min read


Consciousness is a complex subject that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries. Despite numerous studies, there is no clear understanding of what consciousness truly is. This article attempts to explore the role of the observer in consciousness, using key principles from quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and radical literalism to propose a unique model.

The Observer's Role: Connecting Quantum Mechanics and Human Beings

One assumption of this new model is that a quantum mechanical observer (a concept from quantum physics) and a human observer share similar characteristics. Both describe events in terms of probability or likelihood. The model aims to identify the fundamental features that make an observer, whether it is a particle or a person, capable of observing events.

Entropy and the Interaction between Observer and Environment

Entropy, a measure of disorder or randomness, plays a significant role in our model. The way observers perceive entropy is connected to their interaction with their surroundings. As observers engage in the process of measuring or transforming the state of a system, they become the source of the observed entropy.

Observational Entropy Exchange and Information Transfer

When an observer and a system interact, there is an exchange of entropy between them. This exchange forms a circuit-like environment in which energy flows between the observer and the system. Information transfer between them depends on the observer's lower-entropy state and the extent of their interaction with the environment.

A Thermodynamically-driven Concept of Consciousness

Using principles from various scientific disciplines, the model proposes a new definition of consciousness. Consciousness is described as the potential for interaction and feedback between systems, enabling information transfer. This definition applies to both humans and particles, suggesting that the entire universe might inherently possess some form of consciousness.

Key Definitions and Formulas

To understand the model further, let's look at some relevant expressions and ideas that connect entropy and observation:

Entropy Exchange: When an observer and a system interact in observation, their combined entropy change (∆S) must satisfy the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that total entropy must be either positive or zero for spontaneous processes.

Information Transfer: The shared information (I) between an observer and a system can be expressed using information theory, taking into account the entropies of the observer (H(A)), the system (H(B)), and their combined state (H(A, B)).

Observation Process: During observation, the observer's entropy decreases, while the observed system's entropy increases. The total entropy change must still satisfy the Second Law of Thermodynamics, ensuring that the observer's state remains lower in entropy than the observed system.

Integrating the Concepts: The lower bound of the observer's entropy change is directly proportional to the mutual information gained during observation. This relationship is vital for understanding the link between thermodynamics and information theory in defining consciousness and the role of the observer.

While this model offers a new and exciting perspective on the observer's role in consciousness, it requires further refinement and experimental validation to provide a more comprehensive understanding.

This article has explored the concept of consciousness and the observer's role by proposing an innovative model based on principles from quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and radical literalism. The model redefines consciousness as the potential for interaction and feedback between systems, facilitating information transfer.
